What makes a product liability case in California?

While it is generally healthy to not measure one's life based on the possessions they have, in reality, products we buy and use every day do play a big part in our lives. Products can make life easier, more fun and safer. But what happens when a product causes injury, illness or severe damage?

Laws are in place in California that are meant to hold product manufacturers accountable if a product causes harm to someone who was using the item in a reasonable manner. This post is one of a couple of posts about the state's product liability regulations and your options in California if you are harmed by a dangerous product.

What kind of product can be at the center of a product liability case? If you believe that a manufacturer created a faulty or dangerous product and that negligence led to your injury or loss, you could have a valid civil claim. Just a few examples of some types of defective products that can inspire a product liability claim are as follows:

  • Toys
  • Household items such as furniture, flooring, appliances, etc.
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Personal electronics such as cell phones and computers
  • Automobiles
  • Medicines

Many other types of products could be included in a valid product liability lawsuit. The above-mentioned are some common items or items that have been covered in news recently that have caused serious harm, sometimes death, to unsuspecting consumers, including children.

There are specific steps that must be followed when properly pursuing a claim for product liability. For example, timing is important to the validity of a California case. An upcoming post will go into more detail and also lay out bases for liability in these kinds of civil cases.

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