Typical childhood reactions parents can expect in divorce

When two California parents decided to end their marriage, it is not only the couple themselves but children and other extended family members who are affected by the decision. Children react to divorce in many different ways, often depending on the age of the child but also due to the unique personality of each child. Parents who learn as much as they can about typical childhood reactions to such situations may be better able to provide encouragement and support to their kids.  

The teenage years are often a tenuous time in a child's life to begin with; learning that parents are getting divorced may intensify the challenges already being encountered during adolescence. A parent should not be surprised if a teenage son or daughter becomes rebellious after learning that his or her parents are ending their marriage. On the other hand, it is also a typical reaction for teenagers to become quite introverted or to distance themselves from their families while they try to process their emotions.  

Younger children are not always able to verbally communicate their feelings. Divorce-related stress may be exhibited in toddlers by regressing, such as having accidents after already knowing how to use the potty or by suffering extreme separation anxiety. The most important thing a parent can do is to provide a listening ear and shoulder to lean on, and also to reach out for added support, as needed.  

Unresolved legal issues between former spouses often exacerbate stress levels in divorce. A parent may be able to mitigate such stress by asking an experienced California family law attorney to help overcome any obstacles that arise. Acting alongside legal representation often leads to swifter, more amicable solutions.

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