November 2018 Archives
Monster Energy company involved in 2 business litigation cases
Monster Energy drinks are popular across the country. However, the company has been involved in business litigation; one claim recently ended in a victory for the energy drink mogul, while another was filed against the company by a celebrity surfer. The case that just ended was pending in a federal district court in California. Monster was awarded a $5 million jury verdict against Supply Network, LLC for trademark infringement.
What exactly does a power of attorney do?
Life is fragile and when a loved one is experiencing health complications, others are needed to carry the load and communicate with caretakers and legal entities. Going through this type of situation is often stressful and requires a new understanding of how to be involved and ensure your loved one gets the help they need. There are many types of decisions families face after a tragic accident has incapacitated a person or elderly complications set in.
Typical childhood reactions parents can expect in divorce
When two California parents decided to end their marriage, it is not only the couple themselves but children and other extended family members who are affected by the decision. Children react to divorce in many different ways, often depending on the age of the child but also due to the unique personality of each child. Parents who learn as much as they can about typical childhood reactions to such situations may be better able to provide encouragement and support to their kids.
Woman blows up her wedding dress after divorce
There is no one way to come to terms with a marriage falling apart. Such situations often lead to divorce, and every California couple handles their circumstances in their own way. A woman in another state decided she wanted to celebrate the ending of her marriage, so she invited her family and friends to join her for a party at her father's farm; she also blew up her wedding dress.
Transit workers' contract issues may prompt business litigation
Many California residents use the public transportation system as a regular means of travel. Transit companies are typically under contract with a particular city. If a business litigation situation arises -- for instance, if a contract dispute occurs -- it may not only directly affect the workers themselves but may also impact the general public that uses the system.